Be Still II


Be Still II (2022)

"Serene silence unveils Truth, ego dissolves, the Self remains eternal".

It is only in stillness and silence that we can let go of ourselves in order to find our real Self. There is this great debate in theology about effort and grace and yet it is so simple, it is effortless, because it is a surrender, a non doing, just being in the very presence of awareness itself.

You must let go of all efforts of the mind in order to surrender. It is like you are carrying a very heavy bag and your effort is to just let go of it. But attached as we are, we have to actually make the daily "effort", of letting go of part of that bag.

Perseverance is a better term. Perseverance and an unstoppable desire to let go and dissolve "yourself" into the arms of the eternal.





Set The Moon on Fire until it Becomes the Sun