The Real Self


The Real Self (2023)

We all wear layers and layers of masks, whether it's our persona, our ego, or our deepest unconscious thoughts, beliefs, and memories.

Yet behind these veils lies our true essence, our authentic self that transcends all attributes, thoughts, and attachments. It is the very foundation of our being, the consciousness that is aware of our thoughts and its illusory identifications. It is beyond our physical body but also within it. It is the "I am" without any subject or adjective, the very essence of being itself.

This work is replete with symbols and references that depict this journey of self-discovery. The removal of the mask, the dethroning of the ego, the open cage, the transformation of the dark swan into a white swan (symbolizing divine knowledge and purity), and the chakras, which represent the ascension of our consciousness from lower to higher realms.



The Neo-Dictatorship

