Mainstream Media


MainStream Media (2023)

It is no doubt how important the media has been over all these years in shaping our reality and understanding of events. It is naive to say that at one point in time, the media was immaculate and impartial. But with the advent of decentralised information, mainstream media suffered a hard hit and not a few of them are seeing their income plummeting and some on the verge of bankruptcy. So now, more than ever, they are dependent on 'donors' and large advertisers.

It is a snowball situation: receiving money from 'sponsors' (and having to comply with their agenda and demands) leads to losing public trust (as shown by most polls), which results in a declining audience. This, in turn, necessitates even more money from these 'sponsors'.

For example, did you know that Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation “donated” 319 Million dollars to media outlets in one year and just Microsoft poured 21.8 Billion in Ads? Did you know that the giant BlackRock is the largest shareholder in Sinclair Broadcast Group (who owns 223 television stations just in the US?) Did you know that Pfizer spent 8.9 Billion dollars in advertisement from 2019 to 2022? This is just a few examples.

Collusion with WEF Globalists, Governments, Big Tech, Big Corporations, Big Pharma and Funded Ideology Activists are shown in plain sight. The old dictators saying: “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” is a formula that seems to work. Narratives and opinions took the place of truth.

More and more there will be a battle towards freedom of speech and independent sources of news; not to mention independent thought; Regulations on social media will only advance, all under the label of: “For your own good”, “for your own protection”, “in the name of democracy”… until we are mere passive consumers of Orwellian news.



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